The Local Author Fair at Wakefield Library was a success!

The Room to Write was pleased to be part of this year's Local Author Fair which took place at the Wakefield Lucius Beebe Memorial Library on Saturday, N
ovember 23, 2024 from 1:00-4:00pm. This year included a fun, new addition of refreshments and author introductions which took place just after 2:00pm.

The Wakefield Public Library's Author Fair was a great opportunity to meet and support local authors of all genres who publish for children and adults. A personalized, signed copy of a locally written book is a great gift to give to all ages or to yourself and it was a fun addition to the event this year
to hear each author have the opportunity to introduce themselves and tell attendees a little bit about their book(s). There was a wide variety of genres and books for all ages for kids and adults. Special thanks to 
Wakefield Public Library for making this wonderful event happen, as well as Whitelam Books for facilitating book sales in the beautiful library lobby.

If you would like to connect with or purchase additional books from any of the thirteen authors who attended the fair, please click the name to connect to either their author website or their book purchase website: 

B.R. Bodengraven (adult spiritual memoir), Sara Reish Desmond (adult short stories)Carol Gordon Ekster (children's picture books), Fred Gracely (children's middle grade novels), Tina Hart(children's poetry, books can be purchased at Hart's Hardware in Wakefield:), Ellen Holtzman (adult

memoir), Ralph Indrisano (adult local history/memoir), Natakki Jones (children's picture book), Abigail Miles (adult sci-fi), Regina Mouradian (adult mystery/romance), Shawn Peters (children's middle grade), Christine Ricci-McNamee (children's picture books), and Ralph Tufo (children's picture books).

If you are a local author who has recently published a book, 

please let the library know about your and your book by filling out this online form!

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