The Savings Bank Sponsors Senior & Veterans Writing Programming in Wakefield for 2023

In addition to those who were participating in the kick-off of a new Writers' Critique Group at the Wakefield Senior Center, representatives from The Room to Write, The Savings Bank and the Wakefield Senior Center gathered to celebrate The Savings Bank's funding support for The Room to Write's 2023 Senior & Veterans Programming. 

The writing programs are approachable for those hesitant to write, yet fulfilling for those who already write but would like to grow in their writing experience. Workshops include the opportunity to get thoughts, memories, stories, history and personal experiences on paper with an invitation to share when comfortable. Participants are guided according to individual needs and goals.

Present in the photo are Linda Malcolm, TRtW Coordinator of Senior & Veterans Programming; Kathleen Shine Cain, TRtW Instructor; Bob DiBella, TSB President & CEO; Emily Seward, TRtW Board of Directors; Colleen Getty, TRtW Founder, Director & Instructor; Sally Chetwynd, TRtW Instructor; Raichelle Kallery, TSB Executive Vice President & COO; Karen Burke, Wakefield Senior Center Director.

The Room to Write launched writing workshops for seniors and veterans in Fall 2022 and are grateful for The Savings Bank's financial support which enables TRtW to continue and expand upon program offerings in 2023. The first month of 2023 has already been very productive offering a 3-week Memoir workshop lead by Kathleen Shine-Cain and the first-ever monthly Writers' Critique Group meeting where instructors demonstrated how a critique group works and then formed three separate groups where participants critiqued writing and had their own writing critiqued.

Writers' Critique Group meetings will be held on the last Tuesday of each month. For those interested in learning more about the Critique Group timeline and guidelines, please click here. Submissions of 1000 words or less (approximately 2-3 pages of typed writing) are collected and distributed to participants before each meeting.

In February instructors will lead more informal Gather & Write sessions where participants will be given a writing prompt, time to write, and invited to share their work if they want. These informal sessions are wonderful ways to gather ideas and start a written piece that can be polished later.


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