A Year in Photos

Since a picture says a thousand words, I'm going to let the photos from this past year do most of the talking for this blog--which I am just getting to the "presses" by the skin of my teeth. The fact that I am writing this entry on the very last day of the very last month of this year sums up how this year felt: FAST!

Every month swept in with plenty to do and plan to do during the next month, which usually had arrived already. It's hard to believe that The Room to Write had only just emerged out of a pandemic-encouraged-self-imposed 1-year sabbatical on September 1st of 2021. Since then, we have covered a lot of ground and more than made up for lost time. 

Photo of Linda Malcolm
We brought the wonderful and talented Linda Malcolm onboard to focus on our efforts to support seniors and veterans in the north of Boston community. That focus resulted in the building of some great relationships and programs from as nearby as Wakefield's Senior Center to as far away as Hamilton's Patton Homestead. We partnered with Ally Houghton Photography for a photo shoot fundraiser with Whitelam Books, which also joined us in partnering with the Wakefield Library for their Authorfest this past November--not to mention the uber collaboration that brought back the Seniors to Seniors program with the High School and the Senior Center. Lots-o-stuff!!

We created a steady stream of content with our interviews of local authors thanks to our partnership with Wakefield Community Access Television Studios. We joined the Boston Pen People for a 4-H Fair in Westford and had Meet & Greets at the Boys & Girls Club in Wakefield as well as in that big yellow house in Melrose where the creative font that is Follow Your Art Community Studios springs from.

There was a lot of stuff that I claimed I'd let the photos talk about--so here they are, a few snapshots of what we've been up to this past year in no particular order. See you in 2023!




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