Middesex 4-H Fair with the Boston Pen People

We had a great time at the Middlesex 4-H Fair in Westford, MA on Sunday, August 28th. The weather was perfect with some sleepy morning clouds breaking way to blue skies and sun that gave us a good excuse to get one of those shaved ice treats they were serving at one of the tents. 


David Watts, Jr. and Neil Lander, of the Boston Pen People, invited The Room to Write to share their table this year at the fair. They brought their amazing pens and were joined by another pen aficionado named Karen about halfway through the day. She added some glass dip pens and glitter to their already amazing collection.

We sat, we ate, kids dipped into various colors of ink and wrote, then typed and went away smiling. It's always fun to present writing and creative drawing through a few more unexpected avenues than young people are always used to.

My daughter, Alice, helped out at the table and enjoyed trying out the various pens and typewriters as well. As people tried out the pens we let them know about the upcoming Commonwealth Pen Show, which takes place the weekend of September 17th and 18th in Somerville at the Holiday Inn Bunker Hill. See flier below or click here for more informationcommonwealthpenshow.com 



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