Professional, Affordable Headshots for Writers and Artists: May 12th

Need a professional headshot? 

Headshots. You've heard about them--you've seen them, but how does one go about finding a photographer to take one and how much?! Maybe you got a headshot ten years ago and you'd like an updated photo, or you'd like a more serious photo, or a sillier photo . . . 

Ally Houghton Photography is supporting TRtW by donating time and talent to provide professional, affordable headshots for local writers and artists and all the proceeds go toward supporting TRtW's writing programs. 

Click here to sign up for a 10-minute shoot slot between 6pm - 8pm on May 12, 2022.

Every writer and artist should have a high-quality, digital head shot to add to a website, social media page, blog or book cover. Special thanks to Whitelam Books for providing our "studio" space. What better backdrop for your photo: a bookstore. If weather permits, you can pick a spot outside using the nearby park as your backdrop or the brick wall of the building, etc.

If you have published a book or you have some props you'd like to include, bring them along. You can take a photo with and without them.

The cost is a $30 donation to The Room to Write. ($20 with a 5/12/22 book purchase from Whitelam Books.) Bring a check made out to "The Room to Write" or cash to the shoot. For credit cards, please donate using the "Donate" button on our home page and we'll know what it's for when we see your name on our Signup Genius form. 

Whitelam Books is located at 610 Main Street in Reading, MA.


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