Meet & Greet --meets-- Show & Tell

As we slowly get our regular programming back up and running, we thought it would be fun to coordinate one of our very popular, quarterly Writers and Illustrators Meet & Greets--with a twist. Of course we would prefer to see you all in person, but the times being what they are dictate that we meet virtually. 

In addition to the actual meeting "event" with writers and illustrators of all genres and levels, we want to do a little extra to celebrate the books created and published by local authors and illustrators during two very challenging years as well as those being released in the year ahead.  (2020, 2021, & 2022)

BEFORE: Wed, January 26th: Receive the meeting link by emailing: Published authors and illustrators can send a video where they show us and tell us about their book. Sending the video ahead is our preference so we can show them during the event. Please send your 30-60 second Video through We Transfer to

Video Instructions: LIGHTS: Be sure lighting is taken into consideration. You don't want to be sitting in the dark with big shadows. CAMERA: For those recording on a cell phone, please be sure the camera is held horizontally. This will give the audience the best view of each author. ACTION: Please be sure to record in a spot that has minimal sound. Speak slowly and clearly.

Ideas: Hold the book up, show your smile (or scowl:) and be sure to tell us your name, the book title, where you live (town/city is fun, but county, region or state will do). Tell us about your book. It's great practice to see what you can fit into 60 seconds or less. The genre? Age of intended audience? Is it a debut novel or your fifth? Date of publication?

ON: Wed, January 26th: Join us for a virtual Meet & Greet where we will highlight recently published books by local authors and illustrators and enjoy creative community.

Didn’t publish, but would like to learn about recently released books by fellow artists or gather some motivation to continue with or finish your current work in progress? Gathering among other creative minds helps-- even if you're shy and just want to listen and absorb some positive energy.

Published authors can show up and share a book during the meeting. Sharing will be limited to 60 seconds maximum whether live or pre-recorded. You'll have more time to share and answer questions during the Meet & Greet. We will add any additional Show & Tell spots to the existing video to be shared after the event.


AFTER: Wed, January 26th: If you don't get your video to us prior to the meeting and are not able to join the event, please follow the instructions above to be added afterwards. This video will be a helpful resource that can be added to for up to two weeks after the meeting, so by Wed, February 9th. We'll send out an updated version on Valentine's Day with all the local authors we love and support!

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